Awareness on sustainability and environment for salons


Dear professional,

The only constant in the world is change. The history of any industry is a history of ideas, innovation and change. In the coming decade, innovation and sustainability will only become more important. Entrepreneurs and educational institutes will have to anticipate this if they want to keep up with the times.

The scan “awareness on sustainability and environment” consists of a short questionnaire that indicates a preference of action patterns. This questionnaire is intended for the professional to measure awareness. After answering the questions, the score is calculated. The score indicates to what extent you are aware of the aspects related to sustainability and environment. There are no wrong answers. The answers must be filled in in all honesty, in order to generate the best result and take a maximum of a few minutes. Filling in the questionnaire is completely anonymous.

After calculating the score, the advice follows. The questionnaire can be seen as the first 0-measurement. The data collected will be anonymous and absolutely confidential.


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