Team dynamics are critical for the success of the collaborative project. Without positive team dynamics, your team can’t fully leverage the potential of your team members and tap into their skills and experience. A group with a positive dynamic is easy to spot. Team members trust one another, they work towards a collective decision, and they hold one another accountable for making things happen. As well as this, researchers have found that when a team has a positive dynamic, its members are nearly twice as creative as an average group.
Group dynamics matter because they impact things like creativity, productivity and effectiveness. Since group work is integral to organizations, for business leaders, addressing group dynamics can lead to better work outcomes, customer satisfaction and an improved bottom line.
A team with positive group dynamics tends to have team members who trust each other. They can work towards collective decisions and they are held accountable for outcomes. A team with good group dynamics may be constructive and productive, and it may demonstrate mutual understanding and self-corrective behavior.
In a group with poor group dynamics, people's behavior disrupts work. As a result, the group may not come to any decision, or it may make the wrong choice, because group members could not explore options effectively.
Contributing to Team Success, Building Positive Working Relationships, Building Trust, Managing Conflict, Gaining Commitment and Communication Skills have been identified are key competences for properly managing a collaborative team.
Get ready to find out your attitude towards these subjects!
This scan consists of questions concerning the six competences mentioned above. Choose an answer. After you answered all questions, per subject a score and conclusion will be shown. The conclusion gives insight into your "collaborative attitude" and provides some tips for improving your success in the implementation of collaborative projects.
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